

HPAI cattle cases 报道 in more states; vets suggest new name

发布 2024年4月18日 在21:22 PM

4月10日, the National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) detected Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in a dairy herd in 北卡罗莱纳. 4月11日,南达科他州农业部 & 自然资源部宣布,NVSL测试证实在南达科他州的奶牛群中发现了高致病性禽流感. 以前曾在德克萨斯州的奶牛群中发现高致病性禽流感, 堪萨斯, 密歇根, 爱达荷州, 新墨西哥, 和俄亥俄州.

与此同时, 因为高致病性禽流感病毒在牛身上产生的症状与在鸟类身上产生的症状不同, the American Association of Bovine Practitioners  (AABP) is recommending the disease in cattle be referred to as Bovine Influenza A Virus (BIAV). 在这两个物种中, 该病毒是H5N1型禽流感毒株, 但它在鸟类中引起的高发病率迄今尚未在牛中发生.

根据美国兽医协会的说法, 17 states have imposed restrictions on cattle importation from states w在这里 the virus is known to have infected dairy cows: Alabama, 亚利桑那州, 阿肯色州, 加州, 特拉华州, 佛罗里达, 夏威夷, 爱达荷州, 肯塔基州, 路易斯安那州, 密西西比州, 内布拉斯加州, 北卡罗莱纳, 宾西法尼亚, 田纳西州, 犹他州和西弗吉尼亚州.

The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) indicated on April 2 it will not be issuing federal quarantine orders, 该机构也不建议对牛实施任何州检疫或官方扣留令. APHIS did recommend minimizing movement of cattle as much as possible and urged stakeholders to take evaluate risk and factor it into cattle movement decisions.

野生候鸟被认为是德克萨斯州畜群感染禽流感的源头, 堪萨斯州和新墨西哥州. The 密歇根 dairy farm with infected cattle had recently received cows from Texas before HPAI was detected in the state. USDA’s NVSL has confirmed that the strain of HPAI  found in the 密歇根 herd is very similar to the strain initially confirmed on Texas and 堪萨斯 dairies (H5N1, 欧亚血统鹅)3月25日. 在北卡罗来纳州, HPAI cases were confirmed in two commercial turkey farms in February and in one backyard poultry flock in March indicating the presence of wild birds in that state with HPAI.

Cows infected with HPAI are exhibiting symptoms that include: a significant decrease 牛奶中 production (10-30 lbs.根据美国农业部的说法,这类疾病包括:/牛)、食欲不振和发烧. 在奶牛群中确认有感染高致病性禽流感的牛, the affected cattle are being isolated from the healthy cows and most have recovered with little to no deaths, 美国农业部报告说.

点击 在这里 获取美国农业部关于美国奶牛群中高致病性禽流感的更多信息. 

巴氏消毒乳制品,煮熟的鸡蛋 & 肉类对消费者的安全

而美国农业部, FDA and CDC continue to work with state veterinary and public health officials to investigate any reports of sick cattle and poultry, 美国农业部和食品 & Drug Administration (FDA) continue to assure the public that the commercial supply of pasteurized milk and dairy products is safe that the dairy cattle with HPAI pose no risk to consumer health.

同样的, 美国农业部报告说,高致病性禽流感不会通过安全处理和适当煮熟的鸡蛋传播. T在这里 is no known risk related to HPAI associated with eggs that are currently in the market and no eggs have been recalled.

Federal and state food laws require dairy farms to send only milk from healthy animals into processing for human consumption; milk from the sick animals is being diverted or destroyed so that it does not enter the food supply. 除了, 巴氏灭菌法不断被证明可以灭活细菌和病毒, 就像流感, 牛奶中. 任何进入州际贸易的牛奶都必须经过巴氏消毒.

食品和药物管理局长期以来一直认为未经高温消毒, 生牛奶可能含有危险的微生物,对消费者的健康构成严重威胁.

截至4月2日,因病牛造成的牛奶损失太小,不会对美国的市场造成重大影响.S. 乳制品供应, 因此,对牛奶或其他乳制品的价格应该没有影响, 美国农业部报告.

The Meat Institute says 经过适当处理的牛肉可以安全食用 and is not a food safety risk to humans.

美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)和美国农业部食品安全专家表示, 经过适当处理的牛肉可以安全食用,肉类协会总裁兼首席执行官朱莉·安娜·波茨说. “高致病性禽流感不会通过食用肉类或家禽产品传染给人类. The Meat Institute and its member companies will continue to be vigilant to aid in the efforts to stop the spread of the disease among animals in food production.”


4月1日,美国疾病控制中心(CDC) 报道 that a person in Texas has tested positive for HPAI A(H5N1) virus; the CDC also stated in its announcement that this infection does not change the A(H5N1) bird flu human health risk assessment for the U.S. 一般公众,疾控中心认为这个数字很低.

This person had exposure to dairy cattle in Texas presumed to be infected with HPAI A(H5N1) viruses. 患者报告眼睛发红(与红眼病一致), 作为他们唯一的症状, 正在恢复. 该患者被告知要隔离,目前正在接受流感抗病毒药物治疗. 与人亲近或长久, 无保护地接触受感染的禽鸟或其他动物(包括牲畜), 或者被感染的鸟类或其他动物污染的环境, 是否有较大的感染风险. 疾病预防控制中心有预防的临时建议, 监控, 以及高致病性禽流感(H5N1)病毒的公共卫生调查.

The NVSL has also confirmed that the strain of the virus found in subsequent states is very similar to the strain originally confirmed in cattle in Texas and 堪萨斯 that appears to have been introduced by wild birds (H5N1, 欧亚血统鹅/广东分支2.3.4.4b).  初步测试没有发现病毒发生了更容易传播给人类的变化.


The Georgia Milk Producers (GMP) organization 报道 in its April 3 newsletter that it is continuing to work with the Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) Animal Health Division and the State Veterinarian’s office to monitor the situation. GMP和GDA鼓励乔治亚州奶农遵循以下建议:

1)如果你发现农场里有五只或更多的死鸟, 请致电404-656-3667联系乔治亚州DNR或GDA动物健康.

2)处理禽鸟或其他野生动物尸体时, 一定要使用手套和其他可以丢弃或消毒的个人防护装备. 把死去的动物埋好,以免被其他野生动物发现. Discard or disinfect anything that may have come in contact with dead animals before returning to barns or milking parlor.



5)保持良好的屏障 & 牛和周围野生动物之间的栅栏.



1) 联系 your veterinarian if you notice unusual or persistent illness and the following symptoms: reduced feed intake, 减少了沉思, 产奶量减少, 不正常的牛奶, 嗜睡, 发热, 肺炎, 粪便疏松或异常, 和脱水.

2) Practice sound biosecurity practices including limiting access to dairy cattle to essential personnel only, using Personal Protection Equipment and disposing or sanitizing boots and any equipment when interacting with wildlife or moving from hospital pens to the rest of the herd.

3) Remember that the milk supply and dairy food chains are secure and food safety regulations (namely the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance) are designed to both prevent 不正常的牛奶 from entering the food chain and pasteurization processes are proven effective in eliminating pathogens 牛奶中.

乔治亚州的奶制品生产商如有任何疑问,欢迎与Bryce Trotter联系, GMP执行董事, 或GDA动物卫生部门,电话:404-656-3667或 animalhealth@agr.乔治亚州.政府.

The National Dairy FARM Program (NDFP) offers several valuable biosecurity resources to provide dairy farmers with tools to keep their cattle and dairy businesses safe, 包括:





如果牛奶来自有疾病症状的奶牛或接触过感染禽流感的奶牛, 是用来喂养小牛或其他动物的吗, FDA strongly encourages that it be pasteurized or otherwise heat treated to kill harmful bacteria or viruses, 比如流感, 喂小牛前. 来自FDA的食品安全信息, 包括原料奶的销售和消费信息, 可以找到 在这里.

而在肉牛中尚未发现高致病性禽流感, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association is encouraging cattle producers to implement enhanced biosecurity measures on their farms and ranches to help protect their herds. Information on animal health protocols and developing an effective biosecurity plan 可以找到 at  生产者可以访问 美国农业部信息 如何管理野生动物以限制接触高致病性禽流感.

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