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那是什么声音? 第19个幼崽从地下冒了出来

by 詹妮弗·惠塔克

Posted 2024年4月19日 10:03 AM

现在的任何一天, chances are good that residents of 75 Georgia counties will start hearing raucous mating calls of male cicadas calling out to potential mates. These Romeos and their lady friends belong to the Brood XIX (Brood 19) of periodical cicadas, 每13年才会出现新一代.

一窝雄性只在白天为它们的雌性唱小夜曲. 当太阳温暖他们时,他们开始唱情歌. 如果你在日落后听到蝉鸣,那是一年蝉. 四月中旬到五月下旬是周期性的蝉鸣期. 每年的蝉在夏天和秋天出来. Both types of cicadas “sing” by vibrating a membrane on the sides of their bodies.

Dr. 乔治亚大学农业学院的Nancy Hinkle说 & 环境科学昆虫学教授, expects millions of the Brood 19 periodical cicadas will emerge across Georgia before Memorial Day.

欣克尔说:“19号幼虫是乔治亚州唯一一只13岁的蝉。. “It’s part of ‘The Great Southern Brood’ that covers at least a dozen states in the Southeast and is the largest periodical cicada brood in North America.”

辛克尔说,你可以通过它们黑色的身体来识别第19窝蝉, 红眼睛, 和明确的, 染上颜色的翅膀. Annual cicadas are larger than periodical cicadas and typically have green bodies with black eyes.

“周期性的蝉是完全无害的. 它们不会咬人或刺人,也没有毒性。.

2011年拍摄的第19窝蝉的照片. 南希·辛克尔,佐治亚大学昆虫学家.

根据康涅狄格大学的研究, 第19窝蝉出现在佐治亚州, 南卡罗来纳, 北卡罗莱纳, 维吉尼亚州, 马里兰, 肯塔基州, 田纳西州, Alabama, 密西西比州, 路易斯安那州, 阿肯色州, 密苏里州, 俄克拉何马州, 伊利诺伊州和印第安纳州.


格鲁吉亚人最后一次看到和听到第19群蝉是在2011年. 那个三月和四月, UGA Extension entomologists recruited Georgians across the state to watch for the insects and report and document sightings by emailing photographs and/or mailing in specimens. 2012年,奥巴马撰写了一份报告. 塞西尔·L·辛克尔. Smith and Chip Bates details the efforts made to document where the Brood 19 cicadas appeared in Georgia in 2011.

Georgia residents submitted 1,397 cicada reports with 553 including photographs. More than 600 periodical cicada specimens from 25 counties were donated to the Georgia Natural History Museum in Athens.

在分析了所有提交的数据之后, the entomologists determined that Brood 19 cicadas were sighted in 75 Georgia counties based on submitted photos or specimens.

A Georgia map was marked to indicate the date the first cicada sighting was reported for each county. 最早的目击报告是2011年4月19日在特鲁普县. 本·希尔是2011年5月27日最后一个报告目击事件的县.

地图由UGA部门提供. 昆虫学的

在UGA 2011年的调查之前, 人们对第19窝蝉在佐治亚州的分布情况知之甚少. 1960年亨特和隆德(J. Econ. Entomol. 53:961-63) said Brood 19 cicadas were observed in 14 Georgia counties in the 1959 emergence. 

The Georgia Museum of Natural History only had Brood 19 specimens from 17 Georgia counties collected from the 1907 emergence through 1998, 上一次出现在2011年之前.

Hinkle says if a mature hardwood tree wasn’t in place 13 years ago for a female cicada to lay its eggs in, 不要指望今年会有第19窝蝉. 如果在过去的13年里,一棵滋养蝉的树被砍倒了, 很可能是吃它根的蝉若虫死了.

“No Brood XIX have ever been reported from the Atlanta metro area,” Hinkle said.

 It’s believed Brood 19 cicada populations in the Atlanta area died out as trees were cut down, 地面被推土机推平了, 大部分的土地都被铺好了.

欣克尔说,第19窝蝉只吃硬木树根. 它们不以松树为食,因为松树汁液中含有松节油.


在地下生活了13年之后, 从硬木树根中吸取汁液, 孵出19只蝉若虫(卵间期) & Hinkle说,当土壤温度达到华氏64度左右时,成虫就会出现.

乔治城大学昆虫生态学家玛莎·韦斯说 科学美国人 that periodical cicadas appear to count each spring when the xylem sap they feed on becomes briefly richer in amino acids as it moves from the tree’s roots to its canopy.

Hinkle says cicada nymphs typically rise from the ground at night to avoid predators, 爬上最近的树干, 用爪子钩住树皮. The skin along the nymph’s back splits, and an adult cicada comes out the slit.

刚蜕皮的成年蝉展开翅膀. 一旦翅膀干了,蝉就能飞了. 到了白天,它们中的大多数都飞上了树梢.

As the sun warms the male Brood 19 cicadas, they begin to sing to attract a female, Hinkle said. Once a female is attracted to a male, she and the male flick their back wings together to mate.

然后雌性会走到树枝的末端产卵. She inserts the tip of her abdomen under the bark near the end of a branch and deposits her eggs between the wood and flexible bark. 成年蝉死后不久.

大约一个月后, the cicada eggs hatch and the nymphs emerge from under the bark and fall to the ground. They burrow into the soil, find a tree root, insert their mouthparts and start sucking root sap.

Brood 19 cicadas live underground feeding on tree roots until it’s time for them to emerge in 13 years. Hinkle says they all come out within a month of one another to maximize the chance of finding a mate.


“Periodical cicadas are not pests and there is no need to attempt to control them,” Hinkle says. “他们中的大多数人将在几周内死去. Use this opportunity to teach your kids and grandkids how cicadas aerate the soil, 回收养分, 促进环境健康.”


“Dogs may gorge on them, vomit them up and then resume eating them,” Hinkle says. “Cicadas make great cat toys; they make noise, they spin across the floor when you bat them.”


“人类可以吃蝉. 它们就像软壳蟹,”欣克尔说.

She says it’s important to harvest them while they are still soft, before their skin hardens.

“早上要很早出门, 在黎明前, and collect newly emerged adults that have just come out of their nymphal skins,Hinkle建议道. “去掉腿和翅膀. 用大蒜黄油煎一下,趁热食用. 食谱可以在网上找到.”                                      

Families can use this rare event as a conversation starter to ask older generations what was happening in their lives in 2011, 1998, 1985, 1972, 1959, 1946, 1933 or 1920. If you don’t have family members who were alive in the earlier years, discuss important U.S. 或者那些年发生的世界大事.


在十九只蝉全部死亡的几周后, 欣克尔说,要寻找那些变成棕色并脱落的树枝尖. 这是蝉卵产卵的地方.

“这是无害的。. In fact, it is beneficial to the tree, it’s Nature’s pruning service,” Hinkle said. “Next winter there will be less risk of ice damage because the weak branch tips have been removed.”


It’s important that Georgians across the state report any sightings of Brood 19 cicadas so there’s an accurate record of the 2024 population for historic and scientific purposes.

The University of Georgia and the University of North Georgia are collaborating on research regarding Brood 19 distribution in Georgia, 出现次, 以及全州人口的遗传关系.

Georgians willing to collect and submit samples of Brood 19 exoskeletons (the hard shell the cicadas emerge from) and/or dead cicadas may mail the specimens to:

Dr. 埃文·兰伯特,佐治亚州奥克伍德芒迪米尔路3820号. 30566.

愿意收集和提交蝉样本的格鲁吉亚人请联系. 埃文·兰伯特 了解如何最好地提交他们的标本.

Another way to report a Brood 19 sighting is via the iNaturalist app ( ) . You can download the app onto your smartphone or other devices from the Apple app store or in Google Play. 


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